miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

An Essay on Gay Marriage

In the subject of Em/History Writing, we were working on For and Against Essays and after discuss the topic, in groups we had to write one choosing a topic that we wanted.

This is our essay:

Did you know that nowadays gay marriage is much common than before? Gay marriage means that people from the same sex can get together and marry. In Argentina since July the 15th 2010, gay marriage is allowed. Argentina is not the only country in which gay marriage is allowed. France, Canada, Spain, Mexico, United States, Great Britain, Uruguay, South Africa, among others also had a legal recognition of gay marriage.

There are many advantages to gay marriage. Allowing gay marriage in countries makes the government have a more open-minded way of thinking. If they want, gay people can get married and that makes them happy because people respect their choices since the day gay marriage was allowed in 2010. The situation made them realize that things were changing for better, people were starting to accept gay people.

The most important disadvantages to the gay marriage are that people can be discriminated by someone who does not agree or gay's families may not accept their feelings. Another main disadvantage is that, in the street, people who disagree can hurt gay people emotionally or physically. Most of gay people have a very hard life because bad people made bullying to them, only because they are gay.

As a conclusion, gay marriage is a big demonstration that the world is changing, people are starting to have an open mind and society is changing. People are starting to think about others and realize that we are equal even though we like different things.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

An essay on "The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde"

In the class of L/L writing we worked with Literary essay. After reading the theory and examples, we wrote our Literary essay on "The strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde". I worked with Jimena Timpanaro.

An essay on “The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde”

The novel “The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde” written by Robert Louis Stevenson, is about an honorable doctor called Henry Jekyll, who is interested in the double personality of human being. Finally, he creates a potion to reach his aim, but the results he gets are not the expected ones. In this essay the topics to be analyzed will be the main themes, which they are The Duality of Human Nature, The Importance of Reputation and The Innocent and The Guilty.

Throughout the novel the theme Duality of Human Nature is developed. This theme emphasizes the two personalities a human being has, the good and the bad one. As Jekyll creates a potion to separate them, his goal is to create two personalities. But he transforms the good in bad and that is how, the bad part becomes dominant. Hyde is an amoral creature. Yet, if he was an animal he would not live in an urban place or act as a human. “…It was on the moral side, and in my own person, that I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man”.

The second main theme that is analyzed is The Importance of Reputation. During Victorian era, reputation was very important. But, to have reputation you must avoid gossiping, with others. To gossip was not for people from the upper classes; the ones who did it were not well seen. Utterson and Enfield have a reputation so, they avoid gossiping when they talk about the story of the door. “I am ashamed of my long tongue. Let us make a bargain never to refer to this again”.

The last theme to analyze is The Innocent and The guilty. This novel has many violent scenes. In most of them the culprit is Hyde and the victim, an innocent person. Sir Carew and the little girl are both victims of Hyde. But in the end of the story, Hyde’s victims are both Jekyll and Hyde when he finally commits suicide. Neither of the victims are innocent, both of them do wrong things. “And next moment, with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot, and hailing down a storm of blows, under which the bones were audibly shattered and the body jumped upon the roadway”.

In “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, the author focuses on these three themes. As a conclusion, we may say that the themes analyzed in this essay are developed all along the novel, and they are very important to it. Without them, the novel would not create a strange and mysterious feeling in the reader. These themes are not common in novels, they are original and that is what makes this novel very special, sophisticated and traditional.  

The novel


Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde

Enfield and Utterson gossiping

Mr Hyde killing Sr Carew

Mr Hyde mistreating the little girl

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Círculo cromatico y adyacentes

En el área de Educación Artística, tuvimos que hacer un círculo cromático y a partir de este, tuvimos que elegir un color y sus adyacentes y con solo esos colores crear un dibujo. Los colores adyacentes son aquellos que están enfrentados, por ejemplo los colores adyacentes del azul son el naranja y los dos que tiene al lado.

Acá esta mi círculo cromático:

Acá esta mi dibujo de los adyacentes, yo elegí el azul y sus adyacentes:


En el área de Educación Artística, tuvimos que hacer un trabajo que consistía en representar una palabra de forma abstracta que nos diera la profesora.

Mi palabra era correr.

Acá esta mi trabajo:

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

El gerente

En el área de prácticas del lenguaje, estuvimos trabajando con el libro 'Cuentos de locura y espanto' de Horacio Quiroga. Luego nos pusimos en grupo y tuvimos que hacer un corto con uno de esos cuentos.

Acá esta nuestro corto:

Short story

In the subject of L/L Writing, we were working on short stories, we studied how to write one, we learnt new vocabulary to include in it and finally we had to write one and the story should end with this phrase: 'That was the last day she ever saw him'.

Here is my story:

Empty after love

- ‘Please enter’, invited Melanie.
- ‘Sure, thank you’, said Damen.

Melanie’s house was very gorgeous and spacious. The climate was very pleasant and Damen and Melanie were very happy.

- ‘I love you’, whispered Damen.
- ‘Me to’, said Melanie.

Damen gave Melanie a kiss and it produced her a pleasant warm sensation around all her body.

Damen was tall, thin, he had a very dun skin and a soft brown hair with shiny green eyes. Melanie was short, thin with attractive brown eyes and silky black hair. They were the perfect couple.

 After that, they went upstairs to Melanie’s bedroom because they had to do a science work. Melanie’s bedroom was very charming and spacious, she had a big bed with a wardrobe and a desktop, she also had a cosy bathroom, painted with attractive colors.

-‘Luckily we have finished’, Damen said pleasantly.
-‘Yes!!’, shouted Melanie.
-‘Do you want to come with me to a special place?’, asked Damen.
-‘I don’t know, it depends on where we go’, answered nervously.
-‘It’s a surprise!!’ ‘Please come’, insisted Damen.
-‘Ok, I accept’.
-‘Perfect, be ready at 9 pm’.
-‘Well, I’ll be ready at that time’, said Melanie.
-‘Bye, see you tonight’.
-‘Bye, see you!’.

Damen left home and then Melanie was dressed with a blue and flossy dress. When it was 9 pm, Melanie was ready but thirty minutes later,he wasn’t at her home. Melanie called him to his cellphone number but he didn’t answer. 
Melanie was very angry and she went to bed.
 The next day, when she got up, she had one message from Damen saying sorry, that he would explain everything.

She called Damen very furiously.

-‘Why didn’t you appear yesterday?’, shouted Melanie very angrily.
-‘ I’m so sorry Melanie,it wasn’t really my fault’. ‘Can I go to your home and I explain everything to you please?’ , explained and asked Damen.
-‘ Ok but come now because if not this relationship that we have, will end’.

The soft bell rang and Melanie opened Damen the door.

-‘Hi’, greeted Damen.

-‘I need and explanation’, insisted Melanie.
-‘Well it’ll sound strange but when I was coming, a strange man stopped me with his car, if I hadn’t stop, I would have crashed. This man was called Josh, he was tall, blond and with blue eyes, he had an envy look in his eyes. He threatened me and he told me that if I didn’t keep away from you, he would kill me because you left him some months ago because of me and he continued loving you. Also he told me that he is keeping an eye on us’, explained Damen.
-‘Yes, but it was four months ago, he’s completely crazy. I really believe you’, said Melanie comprehensively. 
-‘Well but we have to be quiet because if he’s crazy, he can hurt you and me’.
-‘Yes, but don’t worry, he’s only a stupid boy that doesn’t know what to do with his life and he wants to bother me’.
-‘Yes, but it isn’t normal that a boy in the streets tries to crash me and then he threatened to kill me’, insisted Damen.
-‘Relax, don’t worry, we’ll be ok’, said Melanie.
-‘Well but be careful, see you tomorrow, I love you’, greeted Damen.
-‘Yes of course, thank you.’ ‘See you,me too!!’.

When Damen left the house, Melanie felt an emptiness sensation in her stomach, she predicted that something wrong was going to happen to him.
 That was the last day she ever saw him.

Here I share with you this songs that for me represents perfectly my story, I wish you enjoy them:

Camila Kos.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

News report

   In em/history writing, we were working on news reports, the. We had to choose a recent event and write a news report about it.

Here is my report: 

                                                  TECHNODEPENDENT KIDS

"I can do the homework with the tv and the computer on, but if my mother sees me, she tells me to turn it off",sais Juan Cruz a 9 years old boy from La Plata, Buenos Aires.

Now a days, children are all day long in front of a technological device.
Technology has increased a lot all around the world from the year 2000 till these days.
Kids around 10 and 18 years old, despend on computers and cellphones. They do everything with them, they can't separate of them.

Kids of the era Z, the ones who were born from 1996 up to now, play with cellphones and computers, also they have the complete control of their devices since they are 1 or 2 years old.

Many of them can't stand not having any device at hand and most kids prefer to be with a technological device rather than being with friends, going out with them or doing interactive activities.

"Children live their life through a a screen", says Marcos Perez from the University of Favaloro who studies the effect of technology on children's brains.

Scientists say that technology is useful if we use it in a moderate way, but if not, it is unhealth for our brains because we don't train them.

It is up to us to use it in a responsable way.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014


En el área de físico química, estuvimos trabajando con los átomos. Teníamos que elegir uno de ellos y hacer una presentación en el modo que quisiéramos.

Acá esta mi presentación

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Divergent Summary

In em/ History writing, we were working on summaries, we had to choose a film and make a summary of it. 

This is my summary:

Divergent is a science fiction film about five different factions. Those factions are abnegation, amity, candor, dauntless and erudite. The protagonist is Tris. She forms part of the abnegation group, and these people are selfless and they forget about themselves for the sake of others. There comes a moment when all of the characters have to go through a test to see which faction they choose. 
The result of the test for tris is divergent, which is a mixture between dauntless, abnegation and candor. The complicated thing about it is that when you are divergent the government kills you, so the woman that tested her, helped her and then she choose dauntless. Those people are very brave. 
Then, while taking lessons to be brave, she finds Four, a coach, that teaches her how to be brave. After that, they become boyfriend and girlfriend and they realise that they are divergent. As a result, they escape from the faction. 

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Divergent review

In em/history writing we were working on reviews, we had to choose one film and make a summary of it. Then we had to make a review based in that summary.

Here is my review:

Divergent by Veronica Roth, is a futuristic novel and it takes place in Chicago. The film is a romantic film mainly for teenagers. Tris,the main character, is starred by Shailene Woodley and another important character is Four, starred by Theo James. The film has a tragic part in which a lot of people die so it is a mixture between several genres that make the film amazing.

The film is about five different factions, abnegation, amity, candor, dauntless and erudite.
The protagonist, Tris, is from abnegation, these kind of people believe in selfless actions and attaining peace through the elimination of selfishness. There comes a moment when each of the characters have to go through a test to see which faction theyll choose. The result of the test for Tris was divergent. Divergent is a mixture between dauntless, abnegation and candor. Being divergent is dangerous, because when you are divergent the government kills you.

Shailene Woodley is an incredible actress, she shows her suffering perfectly in the film, when she acts, she shows lots of emotions in amazing scenes. The film is great because there is a climate of tension also very interesting and in every scene there is something different to see, they are all different!

I highly recommend this movie! You will enjoy this film. It is awesome. In my opinion it is the best film I have ever seen!

By: Camila Kos

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014


En las áreas de prácticas del lenguaje y educación artística, estuvimos trabajando con unos cuadros del MACBA, a continuación buscamos palabras que representaran  uno de esos cuadros y sus sensaciones en nosotros y luego inspirandonos en ese cuadro, a partir de las palabras y la imagen,  en grupos creamos nuestro propio cuadro/dibujo con letras y muchos colores. Luego creamos un poema a partir del dibujo creado y después a partir de este poema, pensamos en un lugar del colegio que acompañara al poema y pensamos en elementos y en formas para crear una intervención en este espacio elegido del colegio. Al final, nos tuvimos que sacar una foto de cuerpo entero y luego intervenirla con las imágenes de la intervención creando así un espacio como de interacción con la intervención.

Acá esta mi imagen:

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Types of rocks

In EM we worked with the different types of rocks and their characteristics. We did a popplet with them. Here you have mines.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

My monologue

In drama, I created my own character. It's called Melanie. I wrote a monologue to give her voice. This is my monologue.

Hello, I'm Melanie, I'm an angel, I am 15 years old and I'm very happy and with a lot of peace.
When I was a child, I suffered bullying because my classmates laughted at me, they disliked my physical appearance, they said I was horrible and strange. I didn't hate them because I thought that they would believe that that that they were doing was bad and they would change.
One day when they were bullying me, I asked to my angel Rafael archangel to stop that and I wanted that all the children that were suffering bullying stopped suffering it, I wanted to help the others so in a moment I started to see yellow lights all around me and when it finished, I was an angel. My country is suffering a lot of illness and hunger so now I can help all of them. Now I'm more beautiful, I have peace and a lot of love and my classmates regret what they did when I wasn't an angel, I felt disgusted, shy, without self confidence, but now I'm very happy with my self and the others are happy with me.

Here you have my video...

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Trabajo Práctico Historia

En el area de historia, estuvimos trabajando en un trabajo practico sobre la edad media.Tuvimos que buscar un señorío de la época medieval y luego dibujar uno simulando a este después teníamos que buscar la ubicación de donde realmente hubo un señorio. Luego tuvimos que crear un escudo con los colores y símbolos de esa época. 

En Francia

Esta en el corazón de morvan en las pendientes de la colina arbolada situada frente a la colina de Vézelay.

Castillo: Bazoches en Francia 

Partes del castillo:

El castillo tiene una entrada principal por un puente y una salida con un gran portón, tiene una gran iglesia, una aldea y una muralla en las cuales transcurría su vida diaria de las personas en aquella época.


Este escudo representa a la realeza, la lealtad y el poder. Uno de esos símbolos es el león, el león es símbolo de soberanía, que en aquella época significaría que el señorío tiene el control del territorio brindado por dios. Luego escogimos los colores, los colores elegidos equivalen a las actitudes mas importantes en aquella época: la verdad y la lealtad ya que era muy importante que las personas respeten el pacto feudo vasallatico que era una promesa que se hacía entre el vasallo y el señor, el señor les brindaba protección y a cambio los campesinos le daban su territorio. Otro representa a la fortaleza ya que había que soportar las invasiones mediante el castillo y la fuerza de los caballeros elegidos por el clero y la fidelidad, que significaría serle fiel al señor. 

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014

Videopoesía: A través de los ojos de Kazuya Sakai

Con el área de prácticas del lenguaje, tics y educación artística, fuimos al MACBA y luego escribimos una poesía en base a uno de los cuadros del MACBA.
Luego con prácticas del lenguaje y tic entramos a una página de internet y seleccionamos un cuadro, el que más nos gustara. A continuación tuvimos que buscar la biografía de ese artista  y elegir tres cuadros más que nos gustaran él. Después tuvimos que escribir una poesía inspirándonos en esas cuatro imágenes, una vez que ese trabajo fue terminado, miramos algunos videos de video poesía y luego con mi compañera, nos dividimos cada una lo que iba a decir de nuestra poesía y armamos un video con estas obras y nuestra poesía.

Filles de Killermanjo III

Homenaje a Korin

Hablamos un poco del artista..

Este artista, Kazuya Sakai, nació en Bs As 1927. De chico fue enviado a vivir a Japón y luego de varios años regreso a la Argentina. Obtuvo diversos trabajos hasta llegar a tener la inspiración de ser artista. Sus obras se expusieron en diversos museos y países. Finalmente, falleció en Dallas, Texas en 2001.

Nuestra poesía..
Los caminos dibujados con perfección
Iban buscando definición
Esa perfección tomó color y salió a volar
Siguiendo caminos con alegría
Pasaron olas y olas, ondas y ondas
Formando un eco constante entre el principio y el fin.

Al amanecer el mar se tornó de color 
Y dio un giro de esa excelencia
Y tomó el color de la piel en la naturaleza
Las ondas recorriendo todo el largo camino
Sin ninguna dificultad ni desintegración.

Todo se inspiró y transmitió una emoción
De color hacia el sol repartiendo amor y tranquilidad 
A todo ser presente en ese camino. 
Coloridas pinceladas iban caminando sobre el mar en llamas
Dejando lineas enamoradas en el camino de la paz.

El amor entre la paz y la belleza fue tan fuerte
Que logró apagar ese incendio dejando 
Brillantes hermosos colores en el camino
Ahora todo se mezclo, pero siguen siendo perfectos.
Ese camino mezclado y colorido formo la mayor emoción 
Para salvar al universo de todos sus pecados.

Nuestro videopoesía..

Herramientas utilizadas:
  • Google drive
  • Blogger
  • Macba (página oficial)
  • Movie maker

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Diary Entry

In the subject of L/L writing, we were working on diary entries. We had a special task and we had to write two diary entries about the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde that we read in literature.

June 21st 1889.
Dear diary,
I've just tried my potion, I'm fascinated, it's amazing, it worked!! At my lab, I drank the potion at midnight and I started to suffer a transformation.  It was very painful but finally I found my worst personality, I was shorter, uglier and younger than my other person (Jekyll) I turned into an aggressive person for some moment and then hours later I tried the potion again to see if I could return to my other personality, the good one and it worked. Now I can be the person that I had dreamnt for years and no one realizes that I'm Jekyll, everyone thinks that I'm another person. So now I have a double personality, fantastic.

Today I'll go to the streets and hit everyone that is there... I'm Hyde and I'll be the  worst person that you have ever seen in years. I'm very happy and I can be the person that I want and I don't have to pretend to be a perfect person, noble and sweet. I'm cruel and bad hahaha.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about what I did this night and peoples reactions.  

June 22nd 1889
Dear diary,
I'm in love with my self, I can't believe what happened yesterday at night, it was the best day of my life. When I went to the streets, people shouted and they started to run, I scared them!!

Tonight, I hit a girl and then I had to pay 100 pounds for the family not to say anything. The problem was that I had to sign a check with the name of Jekyll but I told them that they didn't have to say anything about they scene.

After that, I had to try if the potion worked to return into what I'm now, the noble man, the good one. And it worked. I don't regret from the years of study because I'm very happy with what I'm now with this personality, when I remember what I did yesterday at midnight, I fell pity for that poor girl but I can't control it. Everything is different, my mind and my body. When I'm Hyde, I'm stronger and uglier.

But I'll not die with the doubt of what would be if I were Hyde.

If I remember everything, I feel repugnance but when I'm him, I love myself.

Now I can't understand how my mind works, when I understand it, I'll write to you.

Camila Kos

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Je parle de moi

Je m' appelle Sophie, j' ai vingt ans, je suis étudiante, j' habite à lomas, 1400 rue Loria. Je suis argentine, j' habite avec mon père Julio, ma mère Maria, Mon frère Manuel, ma grand-mère Ana et ma tante Melanie aussi j' ai un chien Jhonny. Mon anniversaire, c'est le 12 novembre. Je suis la cadette de la famille!

J' aime la danse et la musique surtout la pop. J' aime faire du piano et je fais du sport. Je déteste le football et le rugby mais j' adore le hockey. J' adore la glace et la pizza surtout á l`oignon. J' aime voyager et acheter.

Je suis grande et mince. Je mesure environ 1 mètre 62 et je pèse 46 kilos. Mes yeux sont plutôt grands et ils ne sont pas bleus, ils sont châtains. Mes cheveux sont longs et assez blonds je ne porte pas de lunettes. Je suis calme, sincère et sympathique. Je suis bonne élève , je suis très responsable mais je ne suis pas très sportive.

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

London, the best place in the world

In the subject of L/L writing, we were working in how to write a description of a place, so then we had to choose a place that we like and write a full description of that place.

   My favorite place to visit is London. It's a very big city, it's very well organized and there is educated people. You can go there only by plane.
London is between some of the most famous rivers like the Thamesis. London is a beautiful place.

   In this city, you can relax and enjoy the beauty. It has a brilliant night life, amazing shoppings, a lot of places to visit, it's also very popular because it has a lot of security. the people are very educated, there is good transport and you have plenty of opportunities to meet a wide variety of people. London is an amazing city with a lot of lovely people. 

   Some of the problems in London are, for example the wether, it's a very cold and rainy place. Another problem in London, is that it's very expensive and sometimes, there are a lot of people and tourists. I t doesn't have a lot of bad things, there are more good things than the other ones. 

   The most popular place in London is the Big Ben. It's a very big castle that has an enormous clock. Another attraction is the London bridge that is one of the oldest from this place. In another part, you have the winter palace and the Buckingham  Palace. There aren't the ply places, there are a lot more.

   In my opinion London is the best place in the world because is has history, beautiful buildings and a clean city. I enjoy going to London and it's my favorite place in the whole world. I want to live there!

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

The beauties of Buenos Aires

In the class of language, our teacher gave us a place of Buenos Aires and then we had to do a voice thread with a classmate. I did it with Jimena Timpanaro. This is the voice thread:

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Más poesía visual

La poesía visual es una forma de poesía representada en imágenes y formas relacionadas con el texto. Tiene como objetivo captar la atención del lector y hacer una lectura mas sencilla.

Título: Just in time
Autor: Anatol Knotek

La obra que elegimos es una poesía visual porque representa un reloj dentro de la palabra TIEMPO.
Esta obra representa el paso del tiempo y las agujas del reloj moviéndose continuamente, lo que trata de expresar es que el tiempo nunca se detiene y va siempre en la misma dirección. Nos llamó la atención ya que la letra M se movía en la dirección de las agujas, haciendo como si fuese una de ellas y como si fuera un reloj.

Hecho por: Martina Safronchik, Jimena Timpanaro y Camila Kos

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Poesía visual, Visita al MACBA e Intervención

A continuación verán un caligrama hecho en el área de plástica. Me base en esta imagen para hacer el caligrama:

Después tuvimos que elegir algunas palabras para poder realizar el caligrama, las palabras fueron estas:
  • Zapato
  • Piano
  • Rectangular
  • Curvas
  • Negro
  • Blanco
  • Altura
  • Rapidez
  • Plataforma
  • Notas
  • Amor
  • Paz
  • Belleza
  • Vício
  • Diversión
  • Pasión
  • Moda
  • Glamour
  • Personalidad
  • Tacos
  • Relajación
Finalmente hicimos el caligrama.

este es mi caligrama:

luego lo que teníamos que hacer era elegir una palabra de las que habíamos usado en el caligrama y representarlo en un dibujo usando solamente figuras. Yo elegí la palabra PERSONALIDAD y dibuje y pinte mi dibujo con lápiz, acuarelas y fibras.

Este es mi dibujo:

 Observando el trabajo de las figuras geométricas de un compañero, inventamos una historia en base a eso. Luego tube que dibujarlo.

Esta es mi historia:

había una vez un triángulo muy grande, junto a ese triángulo vivían muchos más. Pero este les llamaba la atención a todos,nadie podía entender porque dentro de el había tres triángulos más y dentro de uno de esos triángulos había uno mas y en otro un círculo, entonces ninguno se quería acercar porque tenían miedo de que tuviera poderes y los pueda matar. Pero ese triángulo en realidad estaba protegiendo a todos los demás del ataque del sol porque un círculo era un intruso que quería matar a todos para quedarse el con toda las riquezas de las otras figuras. Entonces cuando los demás se dieron cuenta de que el triángulo era bueno, le pidieron perdón y se salvaron todos del ataque del intruso y vivieron felices para siempre.

Este es mi dibujo:

A continuación, Con el colegio, fuimos al MACBA e observamos muchas obras las cuales las analizamos. Luego nos separamos en dos grupos y nos focalizamos en dos. Luego mirando una de esas obras, teníamos que escribir frases o palabras que nos provoque la obra o lo que simplemente vemos y luego las teníamos que tuitear. En el área de Prácticas del lenguaje y Educación artística.

Estas son las dos obras y las palabras que fluyeron de cada una:

  • vibración
  • damero gigante
  • oposición
  • contra el racismo
  • confusión
  • multitud
  • desorden
  • movimiento
  • ajedrez
  • mareo
  • zigzag se cierra y se abre

  • rapidez
  • colores
  • rayas
  • círculos
  • movimiento
  • rectángulos
  • encuadre
  • enfoque
  • óvalos
  • zoom
  • divertido
  • superposición
  • lineas de colores
  • velocidad
  • flasheabilidad
  • metamorfosis
  • felicidad
  • pelotas de rugby
  • fusión
  • transición 
  • humo
  • nerviosismo
  • conexión

Luego nos juntamos en grupos de a 5 y tuvimos que pensar en una frase y luego representarla con letras recortadas de revistas en un dibujo.

esta es nuestra frase:

 A veces lo borroso es confuso pero si te acercas veras los verdaderos colores.

Este es nuestro dibujo:

Después tuvimos que representar el dibujo anterior en el patio del colegio de una forma simbólica. 

Intervención en el patio del colegio:

Después, nos juntamos en grupos de cuatro con los chicos del otro grado junto con el área de prácticas del lenguaje y elegimos una de las dos obras mostradas anteriormente del MACBA. Luego tuvimos que elegir un grupo de las palabras que fluyeron de la obra y armar una frase en base a esas palabras. Una vez terminada esta parte del trabajo, tuvimos que recortar letras de revistas y diarios y representar esa frase en una cartulina de un color en base a esa frase.

Aqui esta el trabajo: 

Palabras elegidas


Estas palabras fueron en vase a la primera obra.

Esta fue la frase:

El zig zag es una multitud desordenada que genera confusión y movimiento. 

Este fue nuestro trabajo:

Después tuvimos que crear un poema en grupo a partir de este trabajo y luego representar el poema haciendo una intervención en una espacio elegido del colegio.

Nuestro poema:
El va y ven

El zig- zag,
es una ida y vuelta
de la real naturaleza

Una curva sin fin
sin ningún desperfecto,
sin embargo con desorden
un sonido de reptil

Camino preocupado
sentido estructurado
en el desorden de las piezas
en el tamaño de las letras

La intervención:

Finalente, el colegio cumplió 25 años, por lo tanto en a galería de arte queríamos premiarlos, por lo tanto hicimos una instalación representando esta poesía que escribimos.

Esta es la poesía:

Nuevo Mundo, Nuestro Mundo
De estos veinticinco años, sólo en los últimos doce
Estuvimos presentes en esta fuente de amor y respeto
Como el sol hace crecer a las plantas
Florecimos a través del conocimiento
Y fortalecimos nuestras raíces en cada rincón del colegio.

A pesar de ser diferentes hojas,
Todos partimos de la misma base
Aunque los problemas siempre están
La amistad los va a superar.

Somos una familia
Enorme y divertida
Gracias al amor y a la amistad
Nos tratamos con lealtad.

Sin importar que algunos se vayan
Y otros ocupen su lugar
Siempre su huella quedará
Así la unión permanecerá.