martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

News report

   In em/history writing, we were working on news reports, the. We had to choose a recent event and write a news report about it.

Here is my report: 

                                                  TECHNODEPENDENT KIDS

"I can do the homework with the tv and the computer on, but if my mother sees me, she tells me to turn it off",sais Juan Cruz a 9 years old boy from La Plata, Buenos Aires.

Now a days, children are all day long in front of a technological device.
Technology has increased a lot all around the world from the year 2000 till these days.
Kids around 10 and 18 years old, despend on computers and cellphones. They do everything with them, they can't separate of them.

Kids of the era Z, the ones who were born from 1996 up to now, play with cellphones and computers, also they have the complete control of their devices since they are 1 or 2 years old.

Many of them can't stand not having any device at hand and most kids prefer to be with a technological device rather than being with friends, going out with them or doing interactive activities.

"Children live their life through a a screen", says Marcos Perez from the University of Favaloro who studies the effect of technology on children's brains.

Scientists say that technology is useful if we use it in a moderate way, but if not, it is unhealth for our brains because we don't train them.

It is up to us to use it in a responsable way.

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