miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Writing short stories

In the language class, we read the theory for writing short stories. with that information we made a chart including important points to take into account when writing one. Here I upload my chart. I worked with Jimena.

Then we had to do the practice and we had to write an story that started with the phrase Mark couldn´t believe his good luck.

Mark couldn´t believe his good luck, first when he was singing in the streets, one of the one direction singers, heart him and he wanted Mark to be part of the band. At the beggining he couldn´t believe it since it was a great opportunity. However it has bad things, for example, you have no privacy.

- Oh my god! You´ve a great voice. Nevertheless, you've to work on it. Said Harry.
- Thank you! Said Mark.
- Do you want to be part of our band? Asked he.
- I don't know, I've to think about it. He answered.

All in all he accepted.

Second, when they were in the sing competition, they won and as a result he was millionaire. And third once he was totally famous, his manager offered him to record his own CD instead of doing it in group.

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