miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Tips to write an article

In the language class we worked with the writing theory and practice of articles. We made two charts with tips to kown how to write it. Here you have them. I did them with Jimena.

Here you have our article:


Now a days, is very common and necessary to learn a foreign language. Studying a new language brings many advantages in life.

There are many advantages when you know a different language. You can have the opportunity of working or studying abroad, you can communicate  with people from other countries, such as going to the super market while you are travelling in another country.

Other advantages that can help you if you study, travel, work or live in another country is that you are abel to do everything you want in your daily life without any difficulty. You can understand the country's cultures, traditions and signs. This makes your life, travel, etc easier and enjoyable.

Althought is not easy, to learn a second language is very helpful. Would you try it?

Then we had to search for an article that we liked and so a summary.

In class we had to search an article and I choose this one:

Here is the summary:

Jhonny Depp injures his hand on set of "Pirates of Caribbean"

The well known character Jack Sparrow starred by Jhonny Depp, injured his hand shooting while he was acting for the film in Australia last week, as a consequence he had a surgery.

The premiere is on july the 7th, 2017. The directors of the movie are Espen Sandberg and Joachim Rooning.

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