miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Let's help the environment

In Language we had to write an essay on this statement : "Unfortunately, young people are not interested 
In helping the Environment."

Sorting the trash
Currently, the Environment is suffering a lot due to human acts. Global warming and pollution are increasing year after year; this is damaging us, likewise the whole planet. 

"Teenagers nowadays are not interested in protecting the environment". That's what many people think. However, I cannot support the view that all of them don't care about It. In fact, many adolescents are part of helping organizations. In addition, adults take a really important role in polluting, specifically in air pollution when they use their cars.

I fully support the idea that if children are aware of the environmental protection, they'll care for it. On the other hand, I strongly disagree with the fact that everyone talks about the topic but nobody does anything in order to solve it. In contrast, there are many organizations that help the environment, similar to the way Green Peace cooperates.

It isn't difficult to start helping nature, we can begin by separating the rubbish. Something that can indeed sound strange although it'a a good way of starting. I'm in agreement with starting to change the world. What about you?

Jimena and Camila.

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