lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017


The principal purpose of this report is t provide a discussion on how young people where I live feel about older people in the community and the prospect of growing old themselves.

Current Situation
Nowadays many teenagers seem to be disrespectful on older people in some aspects. Nevertheless, I conducted interviews with local teenagers and I made a survey on how they think about old people and growing old themselves. Most of those responding to the survey stated that young people admire their old figures as their grandparents and they see them as an example to follow. On the other hand, most of them are extremely afraid of growing old, assuming responsibilities and not being able to have their same way of life as they used to have.

Factors to improve some attitudes
Most of teens are worried about what to do in the future, which career to choose at university and how are they going to manage their lives. In addition, many of them are not living the present and are worried about a job. Consequently, they do not live the moment.

Clearly, there are many ways to change some attitudes against growing old. Nevertheless, I would make the following recommendation:
  • You only live once, live the present and enjoy every moment.
  • Work hard to achieve your projects but do not get frustrated if they are difficult, keep trying.
This last will help young people to follow their dreams and never forget what they want.

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Amo de casapp

En el área de Política y ciudadanía junto a TICX, estuvimos trabajando con la planificación de una aplicación basándonos en una problemática de nuestro país. Tuvimos que imaginar el diseño, pensar en su interfaz y los objetivos de la misma. Finalmente presentamos nuestra propuesta a la clase.

martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

¿Es o no es evolución?

En el área de biología estuvimos trabajando con el tema evolución. A partir de lo que aprendimos, tuvimos que buscar un comercial que hable de evolución y analizar si el término está utilizado correctamente o no.

En la publicidad dice que el Jabón evolucionó, esto no es correcto porque lo que evoluciona no es el jabón, sino las bacterias por selección natural porque al usar continuamente este jabón, hay algunas que mueren y las que son resistentes naturalmente se reproducen y las que no, desaparecen totalmente. Pero esto no tiene que ver con que el jabón haya evolucionado porque no es posible, sino que la población de bacterias evolucionó por medio de la selección natural a lo largo de las generaciones.