miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

An Essay on Gay Marriage

In the subject of Em/History Writing, we were working on For and Against Essays and after discuss the topic, in groups we had to write one choosing a topic that we wanted.

This is our essay:

Did you know that nowadays gay marriage is much common than before? Gay marriage means that people from the same sex can get together and marry. In Argentina since July the 15th 2010, gay marriage is allowed. Argentina is not the only country in which gay marriage is allowed. France, Canada, Spain, Mexico, United States, Great Britain, Uruguay, South Africa, among others also had a legal recognition of gay marriage.

There are many advantages to gay marriage. Allowing gay marriage in countries makes the government have a more open-minded way of thinking. If they want, gay people can get married and that makes them happy because people respect their choices since the day gay marriage was allowed in 2010. The situation made them realize that things were changing for better, people were starting to accept gay people.

The most important disadvantages to the gay marriage are that people can be discriminated by someone who does not agree or gay's families may not accept their feelings. Another main disadvantage is that, in the street, people who disagree can hurt gay people emotionally or physically. Most of gay people have a very hard life because bad people made bullying to them, only because they are gay.

As a conclusion, gay marriage is a big demonstration that the world is changing, people are starting to have an open mind and society is changing. People are starting to think about others and realize that we are equal even though we like different things.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

An essay on "The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde"

In the class of L/L writing we worked with Literary essay. After reading the theory and examples, we wrote our Literary essay on "The strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde". I worked with Jimena Timpanaro.

An essay on “The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde”

The novel “The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde” written by Robert Louis Stevenson, is about an honorable doctor called Henry Jekyll, who is interested in the double personality of human being. Finally, he creates a potion to reach his aim, but the results he gets are not the expected ones. In this essay the topics to be analyzed will be the main themes, which they are The Duality of Human Nature, The Importance of Reputation and The Innocent and The Guilty.

Throughout the novel the theme Duality of Human Nature is developed. This theme emphasizes the two personalities a human being has, the good and the bad one. As Jekyll creates a potion to separate them, his goal is to create two personalities. But he transforms the good in bad and that is how, the bad part becomes dominant. Hyde is an amoral creature. Yet, if he was an animal he would not live in an urban place or act as a human. “…It was on the moral side, and in my own person, that I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man”.

The second main theme that is analyzed is The Importance of Reputation. During Victorian era, reputation was very important. But, to have reputation you must avoid gossiping, with others. To gossip was not for people from the upper classes; the ones who did it were not well seen. Utterson and Enfield have a reputation so, they avoid gossiping when they talk about the story of the door. “I am ashamed of my long tongue. Let us make a bargain never to refer to this again”.

The last theme to analyze is The Innocent and The guilty. This novel has many violent scenes. In most of them the culprit is Hyde and the victim, an innocent person. Sir Carew and the little girl are both victims of Hyde. But in the end of the story, Hyde’s victims are both Jekyll and Hyde when he finally commits suicide. Neither of the victims are innocent, both of them do wrong things. “And next moment, with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot, and hailing down a storm of blows, under which the bones were audibly shattered and the body jumped upon the roadway”.

In “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, the author focuses on these three themes. As a conclusion, we may say that the themes analyzed in this essay are developed all along the novel, and they are very important to it. Without them, the novel would not create a strange and mysterious feeling in the reader. These themes are not common in novels, they are original and that is what makes this novel very special, sophisticated and traditional.  

The novel


Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde

Enfield and Utterson gossiping

Mr Hyde killing Sr Carew

Mr Hyde mistreating the little girl

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Círculo cromatico y adyacentes

En el área de Educación Artística, tuvimos que hacer un círculo cromático y a partir de este, tuvimos que elegir un color y sus adyacentes y con solo esos colores crear un dibujo. Los colores adyacentes son aquellos que están enfrentados, por ejemplo los colores adyacentes del azul son el naranja y los dos que tiene al lado.

Acá esta mi círculo cromático:

Acá esta mi dibujo de los adyacentes, yo elegí el azul y sus adyacentes:


En el área de Educación Artística, tuvimos que hacer un trabajo que consistía en representar una palabra de forma abstracta que nos diera la profesora.

Mi palabra era correr.

Acá esta mi trabajo: